Hello Alain,

We use an input file to select what DASD addresses should be online after
an IPL. The file is basically a Q DASD. The file is read and attaches the
DASD to system, dedicated DASD is left free and DASD that is not used is 

set offline. The only thing we have to do is (re)build the DASD file when
a volume has been added or deleted. (PIPE CP Q DASD | > DASD FILE D) It 

saves us from changing the system config every time we change the DASD 

configuration. If the files are located on shared DASD the DASD FILE can 

be named something like VMLXHW1 DASD for the VMLXHW1 node.

This doesn't work when we have duplicate DASD volumes that are required 

during IPL. We have some VM's that still use the default zVM440 DASD 
volume ID's. When a default 440W01 or something like that has not been 

relabeled the 'wrong' addresses must be set offline in the system config:

FBVM03: Devices ,            
   Online_at_IPL   0000-FFFF,
   OFFLINE_AT_IPL  2100-21DF,
   OFFLINE_AT_IPL  2200-239F,
   Sensed          0000-FFFF 

Regards, Berry.

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