Hi all. Sorry for the lengthy post.

I have a problem trying to get SAG broker in VSE to talk to SAG broker on a 
windows platform. For legacy reasons we wish to keep the environment the same 
so there is NO VSE TCPIP stack involved. This does make it more complicated but 
that is how it has/is been running in production for 4 years.

Overview: VSE Broker talks to VSE net-work which uses IUCV to talk to a CMS 
NET-WORK userid which then talks to TCPIPC ( port(7879). TCPIPC 
is on a VSWITCH connected to the OSA card and then out to the network to the 
windows server ( running NET-WORK and broker. The production 
system uses a different TCP stack and CMS userid but the same VSWITCH and OSA 

VSE NET-WORK can see the windows NET-WORK but when we start the broker services 
the services fail to start.

LOGON Function Started (ETB001)
   Rsp= 0215 0148
   Msg= NET: Connection error
LOGON Function Failed

The network guys are tracing data to/from the and 
using their laptop and see no traffic between these IP addresses when we try to 
start the services. They see traffic when both NET-WORK connect at the 
beginning. I have set up a NETSTAT OBEY MORETRACE QDIO to see what traffic is 
being dropped on/picked up from the VSWITCH. (I hope that is what I’m tracing). 
I do see data being captured but the network guys see nothing. As unlikely as 
it is the data appears to get lost in the VSWITCH or OSA card.

1)      Is there some documentation/tools on reading QDIO traces to I can 
analyze this captured trace?
2)      Is there a trace I can setup to trace traffic leaving the VSWITCH to 
the OSA card or trace certain channels (ports) on the OSA card? Currently one 
LPAR uses 0,1,2 and the second LPAR using 3,4,5. The VSWITCH is monitored by 
DTCVSW1 userid.

Any suggestions would help.

Hans Rempel.

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