> What is necessary for:
> "that will work as long as you have authorized the OSA prot on the
> for VLANs 1, 545, 645 and 745"?

Your network admin needs to do this. Usually each port on a VLAN-capable
switch (particularly trunk ports) have a access control list configured
in the switch to determine what VLAN-tagged packets they are permitted
to pass on that port. For a Cisco device, it'll probably look something
like this (if your switch is running Catalyst OS):

set port <mod>/<portnum> trunk encapsulation dot1q
set port <mod>/<portnum> vlan 1 545 645 745 allow

(don't quote me on syntax; I don't have manuals handy here in Munich)
The switch admin needs to execute these commands on the switch console
and/or add them to the switch configuration file (depending on what
model and brand of switch you have).

> Where can I find examples of this type of thing?

A good book on LAN switching is the Cisco Press "Cisco LAN Switching".
Don't be put off by the "CCIE curriculum" statement on the cover, it's
very practically oriented. The scenario you're trying to implement is
described as part of the discussion on attaching a transparent access
switch to a core switch (since VSWITCHes don't do VTP yet, the CP
VSWITCH is effectively classified as a transparent switch according to

It's not specific to OSAs and VSWITCHes, but if you show that example to
your network guys, they're going to understand a lot more about what
you're trying to do. 

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