
Kris and others already covered it, but I'll stress it once more: get
into the habit of always using MR instead of MW. Then if you realy
need MW, you will stop and think. And think again.

I agree with George re backing up CF1. Always backup CF1 that has been
tested with IPL onto CF2 before doing any change to CF1. To prevent
copying already modified CF1, you may compare the time of the last IPL
(you can find it from 'Q CPLEVEL') with the timestamp of the newest
file on CF1.

Make sure that one of the parm disks is always accessed by CP.
Otherwise, you will get logon screens without logo etc. If you need a
bit of reassurance (as we all do from time to time), here is a
sequence of commands that you may use:

<from MAINT or other authorised user>

link maint cf1 cf1 rr
acc cf1 u
q cplevel

<compare the IPL timestamp and the timestamp of the newest file on the
CF1 and decide if you need to backup CF1>

cprel b
link maint cf2 cf2 mr
acc cf2 v
copy * * u = = v (oldd rep    <there shouldn't be any file-mode-zero
files on CF1>
rel v (det
cpacc maint cf2 b sr

<now you have CF2 as an exact copy of tested CF1 and you can safely do
the next command>

cprel a
link maint cf1 cf1 mr
acc cf1 z

<continue updating CF1 as you suggested>

On the first level, use some sort of standard labelling for the disks
and use label ranges in the SYSTEM CONFIG. If you have free disks,
label them according to that standard. That way they will get picked
up and attached to the first level's system on the next IPL of the
first level without any changes to the first level's SYSTEM CONFIG.
Just make sure that new labels won't get CPOWNED by the first level.
In the directory entry for the second level, define a full-pack
minidisk and then link it from the second level instead of dedicating
the disk to the second level and you will have a record of that disk
being used on the first level's disk map. And it's going to be easier
for you to modify second level's parm disk from the first level if
need be.

If you want to use disk-to-disk backups, define more full-pack
minidisks for the second level and mark them somehow (e.g. use vaddrs
Bxxx) so you know they are backups, not the real thing. Change the
labels of backup disks (and the MDISK entries for those Bxxx minidisks
in the first level's directory) after the DDR. Also, as somebody else
already said, allocate cyl 0 PERM. It will give you even more peace of

But I'm glad you've finished the task even without my lengthy advice. :-)

Ivica Brodaric
Systems Programmer

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