On Mon, 7 May 2007 13:20:43 -0400, George Haddad wrote:

>Before I ever used VM a company where I worked had timeshare accounts at 
>NCSS using VP/CSS. Except for the "personal disk" being P instead of A, 
>it resembled CP/CMS quite a bit. I wonder if that ever got open-sourced?
>For that matter, are the "public domain" versions of VM/370 fair game 
>for modification?
>Paul Raulerson wrote:
>> Has anyone written a third party OS that can easily replace CMS? I mean, 
>> CMS, despite being tightly integrated 
to all things VM, is in the final analysis, "just another Host OS" isn't it? 
Surely over 40 years someone has written 
something that can be used to replace it, perhaps something open source? 
>> -Paul

As one of the former maintainers of VP/CSS I can state no it never got open 
sourced.  It died before open source 
really got started.


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