> It isn't pSeries or iSeries anymore either, IBM still uses
> zSeries on the older equipment on this page:

> http://www.ibm.com/products/shop/servers/us/index.html

The old products are still eServer zSeries and the new product is
System z9. However, the two together are know as System z. A
similar "rule" holds true for the other server products.

> The itweek article also talks about Power6 chips in the System
> z machines. Has that been officially acknowledged by IBM yet?

IBM has denied several times that we will be switching to Power
chips. Note that the System z mainframes have lots of Power chips
in them, but the processor chip is very much a System z unique

> The others on the list are easy, since iSeries (System i) has
> been using Power chips for several years, and there are System
> p Blades already.

The Power blades today are not System p products (and not
Power5), they are PowerPC 970 chips (as were used in the Power
Macs). However, IBM has indicated that we will see Power6 in
blades in the future.


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