OPENVM is an EXEC, so you need to code
/* */
address ciommand
'EXEC OPENVM mount  /. . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/  /'
Maybe also have a look at my BFSLIST package on VM's download lib.
Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

2007/5/21, Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Steve, any valid OpenExtension command can be issued from a CMS Rexx exec.

> Can OpenExtension commands, for example,  GETBFS, PUTBFS, MOUNT, etc be
> issued from within a REXX program?
> The OE Users Guide doesn't say that you can, but it doesn't say that you
> can't.
> The code might be something like:
> /*  */
> 'cms OPENVM mount  /. . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/  /'
> 'cms OPENVM GETBFS yadda yadda'
> 'cms OPENVM  unmount   / . . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/ /'
> This is very simplistic,  I would actually being adding code to process
> file, etc.
> I didn't want to start down the REXX path and find out I can't do what I
> want to do.
> Thanks,
> Steve G.


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