On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 06:40:40 -0500, kiran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>I am new to Z/VM.Pls help me in solving the folowing problem.
>I am trying to set cmm_pages from one m/c to other m/c using smsg comman
>I followed the following procedure:-
>I have 2 m/cs MAC1 n MAC2.
>In Mac1 i loged in thru 3270 console .
>got into cms Mode and execute the these commands 
>wakeup +0 ( smsg
>wakeup ( reset
>set smsg iucv
>wakeup +0 (iucvmsg
> #cp q set.
>("smsg iucv is on).
>#cp smsg mac2 cmm shrink 200
>In Mac2 i ipled thru linux and checked the file "cat /proc/sys/vm/cmm_pa
>Its showing "0".
>Could any one pls help me in this.
>Thanks in advance.

I'm not at all clear what you are trying to do. However, let me take a cr
ack at the commands you 

I'm don't know what m/c is. (Master console?) 

I gather that MAC1 and MAC2 are two Linux guests of VM, although at the m
oment MAC1 is 
running CMS and not Linux. (Is MAC2 up? Is it running CMS or Linux?)

Documentation that I know of for VMRM Cooperative Memory Management (VMRM
-CMM)  is in 
<http://www.vm.ibm.com/sysman/vmrm/vmrmcmm.html>. I don't see anything th
ere about 
using WAKEUP.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with WAKEUP. WAKEUP is used to rec
eive messages, not 
send them. If all you want is to do is send the SMSG to MAC2, then

cp smsg mac2 cmm shrink 200

is all you need.

WAKEUP is normally issued from an EXEC, since the incoming messages are p
ut in the program 
stack, and then you have to do a PULL or PARSE PULL to process them. Take
 a look at the sample 
code in CMS Commands under the IUCVMSG parameter of the WAKEUP command.

I think the documentation for WAKEUP is unnecessarily confusing. It badly
 needs a task-oriented 
introduction. (Is it in some other manual that I missed?)

>In Mac2 i ipled thru linux and checked the file "cat /proc/sys/vm/cmm_pa
>Its showing "0"

It sounds from this like you IPLed Linux AFTER you issues the SMSG. That 
won't work -- Linux has 
to be up and ready to process the incoming SMSG. And, of course, you have
 to have the Linux 
system properly set up to handle these messages.

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