Here is one way sorta automatic
How bout a REXX exec

/*  Rexx exec  */

  queue 'format'
  queue '867B'
  queue '0-END'
  queue 'ZVAS01'
  queue 'YES'
  queue 'PERM 1-END'
  queue 'END'

  queue 'format'
  queue '867C'
  queue '0-END'
  queue 'ZVASP1'
  queue 'YES'
  queue 'SPOL 1-END'
  queue 'END'

  queue 'format'
  queue '867D'
  queue '0 END'
  queue 'ZVARES'
  queue 'YES'
  queue 'drct 1 20'
  queue 'perm 21 38'
  queue 'parm 39 398'
  queue 'perm 399 end'
  queue 'END'

  queue 'format'
  queue '8B0F'
  queue '0-END'
  queue 'ZVAPG1'
  queue 'YES'
  queue 'PAGE 1-END'
  queue 'END'

You can modify the EXEC any way you want

Good Luck

Bill Munson
VM System Programmer
Office of Information Technology
State of New Jersey
(609) 984-4065

President MVMUA

Paul Raulerson wrote:
Does anyone have an example script they would be willing to share that shows how to automate CPFMTXA? I have a few hundred DASD volumes to format and I would REALLY like to just write a script and have it go. I am, of course, stuck in figuring out how to say YES to the program when it wants it.



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