So, open a problem with the IBM support center.


2007/7/11, RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 Update: Increasing the virtual memory size of the PERFSVM userid solved
the problem. I wish PerfKit gave more useful messages.... I've been chasing
the wrong problem all day.

   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
   /V\    RO-OE-5-55              200 First Street SW
 / ( ) \  507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   -----
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but     "Join the story...
Ride Ural."
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 7/11/07 1:12 PM, "Kris Buelens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is not related the size of a minidisk, but the size of a
DisContiguous Saved Segment, a piece of virtual storage, in this case shared
between CP (that stores the performance data in it ) and PERFSVM that
retrieves them out of it.

It is created by issuing DEFSEG MONDCSS sss-eee SC   (I'm a bit uncertain
about "SC")
followed by  SAVESEG MONDCSS
sss end eee are the hex starting page address and ending address
You can issue Q NSS NAME MONDCSS MAP to find its current size.
To have the new version active, all users of it should be stopped.  Q NSS
USERS MONDCSS will show the current users, CP itself will not be listed, but
if you issue MONITOR STOP, CP will stop using it too.

2007/7/11, RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

We've been running PerfKit for quite some time, and the 191 disk got too
small for the trend data. I brought down both PERFSVM virtual machines (we
run two CECs and CSE), created new, larger disks, and set up the PERFSVM's
to use them, and then xautolog'ed both PERFSVMs.

Now, both are getting the message "FCXPMN446E Incomplete monitor data:
DCSS size too small".

The current data was just copied from one disk to another; what does the
DCSS size have to do with that? If the DCSS is too small, what is the
yardstick needed to decide how big to make it?

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