On Thursday, 07/12/2007 at 07:56 EDT, Sergio Lima 

> But, more one think, We have here listed bellow, the error that was 
found when 
> try put TCPIP Virtual Machine Online :
> DTCIPI012I TCP/IP running under VM/ESA system
> DTCIPI005I Trying to open GURI-SP TCPIP *
> DTCIPI005I Trying to open PROFILE TCPIP *
> DTCIPI006I Using profile file PROFILE TCPIP  *
> DTCPRS007E Error encountered in reading PROFILE TCPIP  *:
> DTCPAR123I Line 184: Unknown link name in GATEWAY cmd
> DTCCE1031I CETI device initializing:
> DTCPRI385I  Device ELANS1:
> DTCPRI386I     Type: ELANS, Status: Not started
> DTCPRI387I     Envelope queue size: 0
> DTCPRI388I     Address: 0620
> DTCCE1039I Error getting XA subchan id for 0621 or 0620 or 0623 or 0622
> DTCPAR129I BSDROUTINGPARMS omitted or in error; using default routing
> for all links
> DTCPRS095I Options enabled after reading PROFILE TCPIP  *:
> DTCPRI156I    Trace:  {none
> Why the system want adjacents address of 620 ?
> We have only one machine attached channel to channel (Escon).

1. You have the interface defined as ELANS.  That is for an ethernet 
integrated communications adapter (ICA) on an IBM 9221.  According to your 
IOCDS, you have a 9121.  Don't use ELANs or ILANs.

2. A 3172 is defined as an LCS device.  As you say, Raymond's 
configuration advice is for z/OS and does not apply to z/VM.

3. You cannot use a 3174 with VM TCP/IP.

4. Don't forget to add DEDICATE statements for the device in TCPIP's 
directory entry.  For a 3172 you will need *two* DEDICATE statements, 
since an LCS device requires two adjacent subchannel addresses.  E.g.
  DEDICATE 620 620
  DEDICATE 621 621

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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