"Schuh, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would have expected it to be a compound word, Pipestem, instead of
>separate words.

Well, since we're way OT already, I must note: "pipe stem" *is* a compound 
word. It's an "open" compound, as opposed to hyphenated ("pipe-stem") or closed 
("pipestem").  That's how compounds evolve in English, occasionally getting 
"stuck" as hyphenated.  And now we have a new class, what I call the "infix" 
class: HiperSockets, JavaScript, GoogleWhack, et al. -- closed but delineated 
by inner caps.

...phsiii (who included "HiperSockets" just so's he'd be able to pretend this 
wasn't OT!)

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