Is there a command that will list all non VMDBK and non V-disk defined
address spaces? Surely, there must be, but I am going blind looking for
it. For example, we have several dataspace enabled DIRC directories. I
want to see which of them are currently defined, and any relevant
details (size, number of users, etc.) about them, without keeping a list
of possibilities and querying each of them.

Somewhat related - is there any good way to predict the use of paging
space? Normally, we run with <20% up to 40% of page allocation in use.
We spiked today and occupied 100% plus whatever spool was required. At
the time, we had 19 3390-03 equivalents in our paging farm. I looked,
and less than 5% was devoted to V-disk. I don't know about the other
possible defined spaces. 

Also, is there any display that shows how much of the spool space is
being used for paging?

Richard Schuh 

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