The command you showed will copy the entire drive - the extra commands cause dd 
to copy only the boot sector. You really need to run a mkinitrd before you run 
the zipl, so as far as I can see, traditional or not, zipl does not seem to do 
the job until you can IPL from the pack.

--- Begin Message ---
On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, Paul Raulerson wrote:

> Well, yeah, but that won???t make the DASD bootable.
> You need to copy over the boot sector as well,
>   dd if=/dev/dasda1 of=/dev/dasdb1 bs=512 count=1

I believe the current DASD driver will get it right:

        dd if=/dev/dasda of=/dev/dasdb

where if you copy the whole disk you'll get a working bootstrap.
But this requires that the disk was formatted with  'dasdfmt'
ahead of time.  More accurately,  it requires that the target was
formatted with the same layout as the source.

Adam's point is important.  ZIPL is not only "traditional"
but is the only way to be sure you have a bootstrap on the target disk
that has been put in the right place  (from what ZIPL can determine).
The CDL layout in particular does "funny things" (my term) with track 0.

-- R;

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