Wee have had a process in place for several years wherein a PC-based
server collects console data from TPF systems and, when it has a full
buffer, FTPs the data to VM. APPEND is always specified and the file id
is date-specific. For 8 years, this has worked without fail. Now, there
are times when the append apparently does not work, a new file is
created. Normally, all files start with data that is time stamped
00:00:00. The corrupted files start with data time stamped anywhere from
03:00:00 t0 06:59:59. The logs show the usual amount of activity
preceding the corruption. Interestingly, the files getting corrupted all
come from the same datacenter. Another interesting thing is that it is
random - not all files from this center are corrupted. In fact, it is
only about 1 in 15.

q cplevel                                               
z/VM Version 5 Release 2.0, service level 0701 (64-bit) 
Generated at 07/18/07 17:33:53 GMT                      
IPL at 09/09/07 17:11:48 GMT                            

q cmslevel                      
CMS Level 22, Service Level 701

TCRUN1011I Server started at 17:16:16 on 9 Sep 2007 (Sunday) 
TCRUN1011I Running "TCPIP"                                   
TCTCP001I z/VM TCP/IP Level 520                              
Richard Schuh 

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