> Wonders never cease! After two years, someone wants to buy our
> old MP3000/H30.

> And they asked a question, that got us concerned...

> Does it have the microcode with it?

Yes, the MP3000 has LIC (Licensed Internal Code). This is both
the code running on the SAP (System Assist Processor) and the
OS/2 based code running on the Intel processor (effectively the
HMC/SE function but also I/O driver code).

> Well, right now it does, but should it? Is the microcode, which
> is licensed by IBM, licensed to the box, or to the customer? Is
> it transferable?

LIC is part of the box, and moves with the box if the box is sold
or otherwise transferred.

> All the internal dasd was formatted over. Should the OS/2 dasd
> been formatted over also?

You should NOT format over the OS/2 disk. This is where the LIC
resides and just as on any other IBM mainframe you don't touch
this part of the system.

> We don't want to be in violation of some agreement that no one
> actually reads <G>.

I would suggest that you make sure they get maintenance on the
MP3000 so they get any service (LIC or otherwise) which would
also cover any hardware (e.g. disk drive) failures!


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