I've seen that a lot when the FTP server is being run from inetd or xinetd, and 
requires and IDENT transaction. 
Did someone change your configuration, either adding an IDENT rquirement on the 
FTP server or removing an IDENT process on the remote machine? 

--- Begin Message ---
Hello all...

for about four weeks we have a strange FTP problem.
A Servicemachine working for months and gathering data
from a remote system suddenly makes problems.
The FTP open to the remote system always gets a timout:

ftp ( timeout 450 trace
VM TCP/IP FTP Level 440
Translate Table: STANDARD
about to call BeginTcpIp
Connecting to, port 21
SysAct 0 21 -2147417480 CC -1
==> Active open to host port 21 from host 0 port 65535
Foreign host did not respond within OPEN timeout
Unable to connect to
Foreign host did not respond within OPEN timeout
SysHalt has been Called
Ready; T=0.01/0.02 14:08:40

Ping and traceroute are working well.

This is z/VM 4.4, the remote system is an AIX system.

A tcpdump analysis by a network guru shows 
that the z/VM FTP is resetting the packets receiving
from the open request to AIX system. But in the
tcpdump-file we find no reason for this behavior.

Any ideas ?


Ewald Roller
Rolf Benz AG & Co. KG

--- End Message ---

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