Hello all...

for about four weeks we have a strange FTP problem.
A Servicemachine working for months and gathering data
from a remote system suddenly makes problems.
The FTP open to the remote system always gets a timout:

ftp ( timeout 450 trace
VM TCP/IP FTP Level 440
Translate Table: STANDARD
about to call BeginTcpIp
Connecting to, port 21
SysAct 0 21 -2147417480 CC -1
==> Active open to host port 21 from host 0 port 65535
Foreign host did not respond within OPEN timeout
Unable to connect to
Foreign host did not respond within OPEN timeout
SysHalt has been Called
Ready; T=0.01/0.02 14:08:40

Ping and traceroute are working well.

This is z/VM 4.4, the remote system is an AIX system.

A tcpdump analysis by a network guru shows 
that the z/VM FTP is resetting the packets receiving
from the open request to AIX system. But in the
tcpdump-file we find no reason for this behavior.

Any ideas ?


Ewald Roller
Rolf Benz AG & Co. KG

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