OK, the new and enhanced version of IPGATE, with both of Kris's fixes incorporated into it, is now available from V/Soft's download web page (http://www.vsoft-software.com/downloads.html).

As David says, it's way too useful not to have.

David Boyes wrote:
I had one change to IPGATE: when using native SFS, the SFS server sees
the CMS client's alternate userid and acts accordingly.  When the
standard IPGATE is involved, this no longer works, so I changed a couple
of lines in IPGATE1Y I also changed 1 line IPGATE1, but I didn't note why. I think it was
make make IPGATE run when using VIPA addresses.  Both changes are
available on request.

Post it, please! IPGATE is way too useful not to be up to date...


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