I¹m looking for some peace of mind before trying this...

We¹ve cabled a second OSA device into our network, and I want to add it to
my vSwitch definition as a backup to the current OSA connection. I can
obviously add the path to the SYSTEM CONFIG file, and wait for the new IPL
(which, hopefully, is some time in the distant future). I see that I can
also issue a SET VSWITCH name RDEV origdev newdev.

The question is, will adding the second device disrupt the current traffic,
or will everything keep running correctly? I think that it should be
non-disruptive, but I¹m looking for some reassurance....

   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
   /V\    RO-OE-5-55              200 First Street SW
 / ( ) \  507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   ----- 
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but     ³Join the story...
Ride Ural.²
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

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