It¹s just basically two choices for how to store the bulk of the product
code. The traditional mode would be to install on minidisks. The
disadvantage of this is that each product minidisk will end up with some
free space, and overall, you¹ll use a lot more disk for the install. If you
choose SFS for a product, then it will be placed in SFS directories, and the
free space will stay in the filepool and be shared among all the
directories. Choosing SFS, even for a single product, forces you to run the
SFS subsystem. Beyond that, for a single system, there really isn¹t much
other difference. 

If you¹re sharing disks between two or more systems, then life is much
simpler if you choose minidisk for anything you think that both systems will
need to access. Setting up shared SFS pools is an additional headache that
can be avoided with the proper choices.

   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
   /V\    RO-OE-5-55              200 First Street SW
 / ( ) \  507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   ----- 
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but     ³Join the story...
Ride Ural.²
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 11/30/07 1:06 PM, "Hilliard, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When running the INSTPLAN (first-level install), what is the difference
> between installing a product into the VMSYS filepool or to a mini disk? The
> guide doesn¹t really explain what this is or offer any recommendations.  When
> should I choose one over the other?  I left the default of M for minidisk and
> proceeded with the install.
> Any help would be greatly appreciatedŠChris

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