The introduction of the CP Messages manual should tell that all wait
states correspond to a HCPwwwwW message.  So, as long as you have a

2007/12/31, Dale R. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I believe they are the same as the CP wait codes and they should be
> documented in the "System Messages and Codes" book.  The wait state code
> for 9020 is documented in message HCP9020W.  Here is what the z/VM 4.4.0
> book has:
> 3.1.1835 HCP9020W
> &#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9
> 472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&am
> p;#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472
> ;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#
> 9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&a
> mp;#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#947
> 2;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&
> #9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&
> amp;#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#94
> 72;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&amp
> ;#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;
> &#9472;
> Explanation:  A program check occurred during the IPL process. The module
> code in the message identifier indicates the module executing when the
> program check occurred.
> System Action:  The system enters a disabled wait state (wait-state code
> =
> 9020).
> If using the Stand-Alone Program Loader, all registers will contain the
> values held at the time the wait state was entered.
> Operator Response:  Take a stand-alone dump and contact your system
> support personnel. Attempt a FORCE start. If that fails, attempt a COLD
> start. If the failure continues, contact
> your IBM Support Center personnel for assistance.
> Good luck!
> --
> Dale R. Smith
> On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:13:08 -0500, Neale Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >What manual contains the SALIPL wait codes (specifically wait code
> >9020)? Neither the CP Messages nor Other Components manuals have them.
> >
> >Neale

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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