On Thursday, 01/03/2008 at 04:59 EST, Chip Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This won't help Raymond any, but it reminded me of something.
> I used to write a lot of panel apps using a VM program product called 
> Management System for CMS.  It had interfaces for EXEC/EXEC2, COBOL, 
> and BAL, but I used REXX with no problems.  Admittedly it was ISPF-Lite 
but it
> did everything we needed for some pretty sophisticated applications.  It 
has a
> slick (well, for 1980) interactive panel design tool that would let you 
> anything a 327x could display.  DMS was really lightweight and fast, 
both in
> time-to-production and execution speed.
> Anyone know what happened to it?

Display Management System/CMS (DMS/CMS) Version 2, 5684-113, (ca. 1989) is 
still available.  You can also order it separately or with the z/VM SDO. 
You need a Special Bid to get it on IFLs.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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