On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:28:10 -0600, RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is the problem. Normally you can expect that the list is sorted.
Therefore a small hint (usage note) telling that you can not guarantee th
the list is sorted would have been useful. 

BR Fox 

>The obvious answer being overlooked by everyone is.... Sort the list.
>If the disk has a small number of files (say, less than 1,000), just wri
te a
>bubble sort and put the list in order yourself. If the number of files i
>large, then you might have to write a more complex sort to do it
>I'm not sure what "LISTFILE" you're using, but mine, for my 191 minidisk
>does produce a sorted list of files.
>Also, I just read through the documentation for DMSOPDIR... Nowhere in t
>documentation does it suggest or imply that it might return the list of
>files in any specific order whatsoever. Where did you get the impression

>that it should return them in sorted order?
>   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
>   /V\    RO-OE-5-55                200 First Street SW
>  /( )\   507-284-0844              Rochester, MN 55905
>  ^^-^^   -----
>        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
>         in practice, theory and practice are different."
>On 1/27/08 2:04 AM, "Fox Blue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kris,
>> Well it is a R/W minidisk. It is the 191 of the machine.
>> Yesterday, I was also playing around with the LISTFILE command. It see
>> that it retrieves the file names in the same unordered way.
>> Regarding to your proposal, I wanted to program a CMS module that shou
>> not
>> become dependent on external REXX EXEC(s).
>> I think the documentation (CMS Application Development Guide SC24-6069
>> )
>> should reflect that the directory is not sorted. I was browsing throug
h i
>> t
>> and could not find any hint on this issue. Also the CMS Callable Servi
>> Reference (SC24-6072-02) should contain a usage note referring to this
>> Thanks anyway for your proposal to overcome this problem.
>> BR Fox.
>> On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 20:11:25 +0100, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  wrote:
>>> I have no experience with DMSGETDF...
>>> Is this a R/W minidisk?  Only for R/O minidisks CMS keeps the FST's s
>> ed.
>>> I would make the program call a REXX EXEC that in its turn executes a

>>> PIPE that contains a LISTFILE and SORT stage.  The PIPE could pass th
>>> sorted list of files in the stack where your program retrieves them.
>>> Or, more elegant, your assembler program allocates a buffer large
>>> enough to store the result of the LISTFILE, prepares the PIPE command

>>> with the LISTFILE and SORT, the last stage would be a STORAGE stage t
>>> write the result in your program's buffer.
>>> Kris Buelens,
>>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
>>> =======================
>> ========================
>> ========================

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