I was having a problem in about the summer of '06 with SMTP. It had the annoying habit of abending with a humongous console. Someone in TCPIP 2nd lvl suggested that I replace the z/VM 4.4 level of SMTP with the 5.1 SMTP. It reduced the problem a lot, but it still happened. Must be something in our environment. At any rate the 510 SMTP ran just fine on z/VM 4.4 and that level of TCPIP. Go ahead and give it a try. You'd probably get a "not supported" from IBM, but you already have a problem anyway. What do you have to lose?


Wakser, David wrote:

        We are having a strange problem. Randomly, sometimes daily,
sometimes more often, and sometime less, the TCPIP stack under z/VM 4.4
seems (based on observations from VMMON) to "hog" the CPU (takes it
100%) and then completely fails to respond to any NETSTAT commands. The
version of the stack is 440 - which is what was supplied with z/VM 4.4

        Since this is an unsupported environment, which will take a
while to upgrade, is it possible to try running TCPIP 510 or 520 as the
stack in z/VM 4.4?  I just want to see if it will get us around this

        Thanks, in advance.

David Wakser

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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