Before I trash my system.....: ( ..I found the line to change in fstab;
from (/dev/disk/by-id...........) to (/dev/dasda1    /boot   ext3 .......)
but what to change in zipl.conf? Thanks.

# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Wed Feb 27 17:32:34 EST 2008
defaultmenu = menu

    image = /boot/image-
    target = /boot/zipl
    ramdisk = /boot/initrd-,0x1000000
    parameters = "root=/dev/system/lv1 TERM=dumb"

    default = 1
    prompt = 1
    target = /boot/zipl
    timeout = 10
    1 = SLES_10_SP1
    2 = ipl

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: ipl###
    image = /boot/image
    target = /boot/zipl
    ramdisk = /boot/initrd,0x1000000
    parameters = "root=/dev/system/lv1   TERM=dumb"

             Adam Thornton                                                 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
   >                                                  To 
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU             
             z/VM Operating                                             cc 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject 
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: error bringing up cloned system 
             02/28/2008 06:10                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               The IBM z/VM                                                
             Operating System                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

On Feb 28, 2008, at 4:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone know what I did wrong here. DDR'd new SLES10 -sp1 system
> and
> now receive the following IPL errors.. After the DDR I correctly
> relabel
> the pack to reflect its real addr as usual, define the pack to another
> guest machine and modify the mdisk to match the original.  This time
> it
> does not work. I took the SLES defaults for installation for storage
> Device
> names. If I knew if this info was in a Yast log I could try to find
> it, if
> it would help.

SLES10, stupidy, chooses its filesystems by disk-ID.

This is no good if you want to clone, because you will end up with
different real underlying IDs on your disk.

Waiting for /dev/disk/by-id/ccw-IBM.75000000029217.2500.2e-part1

Convert the basic system to use a different scheme that IS OK to use
across different disks (I like to use by-path, as I tend to use the
same device address conventions on all guests), change zipl.conf and /
etc/fstab to reflect that scheme, rerun zipl/mkinitrd, and then clone
the resulting system.


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