Perhaps company size isn't as much of a factor as the role of I.T. within
the company.  If your business is I.T. or your "product" is created, stored
and delivered via computer, you ARE a big company from an I.T perspective.
Ideally the technical and operations groups are separate, and report to
someone with enough savvy to evaluate the often-conflicting priorities of
both areas.  The other two scenarios could be great or a disaster depending
upon personalities.  If the Operations Manager has been a systems programmer
during his/her career, having the sys progs report to Ops might work.  OTOH
if the Ops manager has the technical aptitude of a turnip you'll never get
your money's worth out of your tech staff.  Conversely, if the Systems
Programming manager has no operations backout, you may end up with the
latest, greatest everything, using every new feature under the sun whether
you needed 'em or not, but the production won't get done because the
system's so unstable. Been in all three scenarios over the course of my
career, and having both groups report to the next level up is far and away
THE best.            

Bill Pettit wrote:

We have been working with a consultant that has made several
organizational change suggestions regarding Information Systems at our
company.  One of those suggestions is moving our Computer Operations
section be part of and managed by the Systems Programming manager.

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