Cross-posted to Linux-390, IBMVM and IBM-Main

For those unable to attend SHARE, or that don't have access to the restricted 
areas of the SHARE web site, I've added 30 presentations from SHARE 100 in 
Orlando, Florida to the web site.  You can find them at  I am expecting more to trickle 
in from the various presenters, and will let you know when I've added them as 

SHARE 110, Orlando, Florida, February 25-29, 2008
Session Presenter               Title
9111    Romney White    Using New CP Features in z/VM 5.3
9124    Dave Jones              Using z/VM VSWITCH
9127    Mark Post               VM for MVS Systems Programmers - Part 1
9128    Martha McConaghy        VM for MVS Systems Programmers - Part 2
9133    John Franciscovich      Configuring, Customizing and Modifying Your VM 
System (Without an IPL)
9134    Rick Barlow     Dynamically Managing Hardware I/O Configuration Using VM
9137    Rick Barlow     Using VM for Linux Disaster Recovery Planning
9150    Jay Brenneman   CSE For High Availability and System Management
9155    Rick Bourgois   VPARS (Virtual Private Active Record Shadowing) and 
VTAPE for VM Guests
9200    Jim Elliott             An Introduction to Linux and Open Source
9202    Jim Elliott             Linux on System z - A Strategic View
9205    Mark Post               Choose the Right Architecture and Save Millions 
- A Customer Case Study
9206    Uriel Carrasquilla      From A (AIX) to Z (Linux/z): A Customer 
9213    Rick Barlow     Anatomy of a z Penguin - A Customer Experience - 
Helping A Colony Thrive Under Extreme Conditions
9216    Rick Troth              Extreme File System Sharing - Linux on 
Read-Only Root at Nationwide
9224    Mark Post               Linux System Management for the Mainframe 
Systems Programmer
9233    Mark Post               Linux Installation Planning
9240    Jay Brenneman   Linux on z/VM System Programmer Survival Guide
9241    Alan Altmark    Securing Linux with RACF
9248    Phil Smith III  Help! My (Virtual) Penguin Is Sick!
9249    Erich Amrehn    Putting Linux for System z into Production: True Stories
9261    Erich Amrehn/Romney White       Doing a (Dis)Honest Linux TCO Analysis 
or better Cost and Value
9262    Martin Schwidefsky      What's new in Linux on System z
9266    Martin Schwidefsky      Monitoring Linux Guests and Processes with 
Linux Tools
9283    Rich Smrcina    Using Hobbit to Monitor Network Services
9284    Phil Smith III  How To Turn a Penguin Into a Dog ...or... Things To Do 
That Will Avoid Linux on z Success
9286    Rick Troth              Tending the SANity of the Flock - SAN 
Experiences at Nationwide
9287    Mike Walter     Installing a Novell SLES 10 Starter System without a 
9290    Brad Hinson     Managing your Red Hat Enterprise Linux guests with RHN 
9293    Brad Hinson     What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Mark Post

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