"From another user?"
CP SEND CP ATTN maybe, but I don't  see the use of it, maybe we need
to get more light.  Note too that a VSCREEN user cannot run in a
disconnected machine...

2008/3/19, Rothman, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to modify an exec that uses VSCREEN WAITREAD.
> Is there a way to 'force' an interrupt from another userid - something other
> than a CP warning.
> The help for VSCREEN WAITREAD says:
> WAITREAD.1 is set to UNKNOWN when the System
> Request key is used to generate the attention
> interrupt and no other system. For example,
> VM/VTAM session managers, and so forth traps the
> System Request key interrupt.
> Anyone have an idea on how I can 'simulate' this from another userid?

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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