On Wednesday, 03/26/2008 at 12:13 EDT, "David L. Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Yes, Google is my friend.  There's even a Debian package, I see.
> I, too, would be very interested is performance numbers from
> state-of-the-art hardware.  There could be virtualization uses
> at some point.  My shop is a heavy MS shop and trying to retire
> their Multiprise 3000.  It would be nice to pilot the migration
> of some Windows servers onto our lightly loaded VM/ESA system.

I think you'll find the MP3K is just too slow (CPU speed).  That was the 
point of my talking about a z10; it's a much faster CPU than even a z9.

But as an experiment to determine feasibility of the technology it would 
be ok. I.e. it "runs".

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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