You need one system with DIRMAINt and the two others with DIRMSAT.  Note a
pitfall that I remember from the 9221 days when I impleted it: one of the
DIRMAINT's minidisks should never be linked by anyone, or the DIRMSAT
workers won't run.

2008/4/10, Feller, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of David Boyes
> >>AFAIK, the DIRM satellite support is for CSE configurations, and you
> need PVM to activate CSE completely. Did you set up CSE?
> We have not seen anything in the manuals that says CSE is a requirement.
> We sat through Jay Brenneman (IBM)'s SHARE presentation on CSE.
> Coordinated Directory updates are a prereq for CSE not the other way
> around.  That's why we think we should be able to do this without CSE.
> >>>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Stracka, James (GTI)
> >>>It may have changed but I thought you needed PVM, not RSCS.
> >>>Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation
> >>>Actually, I think the requirement is RSCS or shared spool. PVM is
> required for CSE to implement its features, including shared spool.
> The options according to the DIRMAINT File Tailoring and Configuration
> guide are for RSCS or Shared Spool.  We are running RSCS between all
> three lpars.
> ---------------------
> What we are seeing is that we can get DIRMAINT and/or DIRMSAT to accept
> commands and even act like they are performing updates but when we bring
> DIRMAINT up in place of DIRMSAT the directory hasn't changed.
> Paul Feller
> AIT Mainframe Technical Support
> (319)-355-7824
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of David Boyes
> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about DirMaint on z/VM 5.3
> >  We are trying to run DirMaint under z/VM 5.3 (RSU 0703) in a multi
> lpar
> > (IFL) setup.  We can get DirMaint to properly do updates on one
> system,
> > but we can't get it to propagate the updates to the other two systems.
> > We are trying to do this communicating with RSCS with no shared spool
> or
> > shared DASD.  It was our impression from our reading of the manuals
> that
> > this type of setup should work.  From what we can see there are no
> error
> > messages.
> AFAIK, the DIRM satellite support is for CSE configurations, and you
> need PVM to activate CSE completely. Did you set up CSE?

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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