On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:34:56 -0400, Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

>z/VM 5.2 is limited to 128 sessions, but as Ray alludes, you need the te
>fix for still-open APAR PK51954 (SSL server crashes when multiple
>connections are active).
>z/VM 5.3 has been tested with 2000 sessions using the beta version that
>contains fixes for the follwing still-open APARs:
> PK52298 - SSL Server Connection Limit Relief
> PK53928 - SSLADMIN Command Updates for SSL Connection Limit Relief
> PK53932 - TCP/IP Server Updates for SSL Connection Limit Relief
>The 2000 sessions is not an architected limit, but just the highest numb
>we've tested.  These fixes will not be back-ported to z/VM 5.2.
>Anyone who is thinking about using the SSL server on z/VM should touch
>base with Support to get the fixes for these.  Folks using the SSL serve
>appliance from Sine Nomine should get in touch with them for updates.
>Alan Altmark
>z/VM Development
>IBM Endicott

We have the beta code running. The problem is that the beta also requires
 a new version of TCPIP 
MODULE. Every time we want to install TCPIP service, we have to ask for a
 new copy of TCPIP 
MODULE. Doing this on 20 systems gets to be rather time-consuming. (And I
'm not even the guy 
who has to do it.)

It would really help if IBM would make this code GA or at least give us s
ome idea WHEN it is going 
to be available.  

And yes, we have no problems with the z/VM 5.2.0 version. We don't actual
ly have 126 concurrent 
users (our peak is 90 so far). But the 5.3.0 version has other problems t
hat are fixed in the beta. 
Occasionally screens that are regularly updated, such as ESAMON or NETSTA
simply hang. We also had TCPIP decide to bounce SSLSERV, with an outage t
o users of TN3270.  
(Known problem, fixed in a new version of the beta.)

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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