On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 22:16:23 -0400, Jim Bohnsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>It really does "depend".  I'd love to send you a softcopy but it was 
>written before I could have saved you one.  I have a typewriter written 

>carbon copy. 

If you have a scanner you could make a JPG image of each page.  It's not 

as ideal as OCR'ing it, but it is stil a worthwhile endeavor for such 

>An important element that goes into this is the expectation of the 
>user.  Consistency is important as is the perception of the difficulty 

>of the task.  

The "percection of the difficulty of the task" is an interesting non-
tangible aspect.  If you can scan in your paper I'd love to read it!

Brian Nielsen

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