On Thu, 22 May 2008 08:39:04 +0200 Rob van der Heij said:
>On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 2:51 AM, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I want to thank Rob for pointing out the new STRUCTURE capabilities in the
>> latest runtime version of Pipelines. His presentation shows enough to get me
>> started on more intensive processing of z/VM's accounting data.
>:-)  Yes, this is fascinating stuff.
>Too bad you missed the presentation. I suppose it was only in the
>words with the pictures where I mentioned the need for something to
>map DSECTs into CMS Pipelines structures (assuming IBM is shipping
>those for the account records). We're playing with some stuff for
>reading assembler source, as we speak...

I'd read the ADATA output of the Assembler instead of source.  That's its
there for, and it's a lot easier.  You don't need to write your own assembler.



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