On Mon, 2 Jun 2008 12:22:47 -0700, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>We have some devices from a vendor that are not tape drives, but which
>respond to Sense Id and Read Device Characteristics as though they are
>3480-04s. This works fine for the older model of the device; however,
>the newer versions respond very badly to any legitimate tape command
>that is not included in a list of 5 CCW Op codes that they need.
>Unfortunately, Rewind and Unload is not a supported command. Because of
>this, CP gets a CE/DE/UC with Command Reject whenever one of these
>devices is detached from a user or a user logs off. This is not a good
>thing because it boxes the device.
>I can include RDEVICE statements in SYSTEM CONFIG to perhaps eliminate
>the RUN problem. My question is, what can I specify that will work? I
>can specify TYPE TAPE. Another possibility is TYPE UNSUPPORTED with
>DEVCLASS TAPE. Will CP still issue the RUN command for these devices if
>I include either of these potential circumventions? I would be surprised

>if it did not. Is there a generic type and class I can use without fear
>of introducing other problems? It probably would not be much of a change

>to HCPDTD to bypass the RUN for an address range; however, something is
>needed sooner rather than later.
>I have expressed an opinion to the vendor that if a device is going to
>tell the system that it is a 3480-04, then it ought not reject CCWs that

>are legitimate for that type of device. It will probably be faster for
>me to modify CP than for them to modify their devices.
>Richard Schuh 

I would go with  TYPE UNSUPPORTED with DEVCLASS TAPE. I doubt CP will iss
ue anything. (You or 
IBM will need to read the code.) IBM support came up with a revised CCW t
able for us for an 
UNSUPPORTED device (a channel extender) that didn't like one of the CCWs.
 We carry this as a user 

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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