what Monitor are you referring to , the HMC ?

             Howard Rifkind                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             t.com>                                                     To 
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU             
             z/VM Operating                                             cc 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject 
             ARK.EDU>                  Second Physical Screen for          
                                       Performance Monitor                 
             06/16/2008 03:39                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               The IBM z/VM                                                
             Operating System                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Off the top of the lists hat would anyone know if you can connect a second
physical monitor for z/VM.

I would like to have one in the computer room and one in the Systems
Programmers area.

I know you can have a web interface to the monitor but that isn't way the
manager wants.


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