Thanks Mike.
I'll check into all that you mention here.

>>> Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/18/2008 5:20 PM >>>

I little more on your 2nd level DIRMAINT test...
I found the uncompiled rexx source for the DVFPROF EXEC in the 5VMDIR30 
disk 02B1.  At line 626, it contains comments, followed by code to do
/*! Release and detach non-required disks.                             *
/*! (A disk is not required if it is linked R/O                        *
/*! and has not been accessed yet.)                                    *

It appears that something is preventing DIRMAINT from getting its R/W link 
to the 192 and 21F disks, and then DVHPROF detaches them.
That's an area of interests, but does not explain why DIRMAINT does not 
find the DVHUPDIR MODULE on its 191 disk.   Answering that should get you 

Are you sure that the source system from which you are DDRing these disks 
had a successful PUT2PROD DIRM?

Mike Walter 
Hewitt Associates 
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