Some observations:
 - If your ESM is controlling links, the minidisk passwords are ignored. 
If it isn't, then you might try a password of "ALL" rather than "ANY"; 
there's nothing special about "ANY".
- Check your ESM (you don't specify what it is) docs for the proper 
DTCPARMS entries for ftpserve, they vary between ESMs (and, slightly, for 
zVM releases).
- Check your ESM rules/permissions for the disk.  When properly set up to 
use an ESM, ftpserve attempts to link to target minidisks as the user 
logged into the session.  It is possible to define a minidisk to an ESM 
such that it can't be linked even by the owner.  What happens if SRG 
detaches its 192 while logged on, then attempts to re-link it? (The 
process invoked to create your virtual machine when you logon bypasses the 
ESM for directory-defined minidisks.)

I'm trying to set up a user and have their 192 minidisk be there default
working directory.  I've coded the CHKIPADR.EXEC to look for the
specific userid(SRG) and if a match, QUEUE 'SRG 192'  I've change the
mdisk passwords to ANY for all accesses.  We have an ESM and I have
coded the appropriate commands to allow FTPSERVE to link to the SRG 192
I am able to logon but get the following messages:
230-SRG logged in; no working directory defined.
230-Permission denied to LINK to SRG 192
I don't know what I'm missing to make the LINK.
Who is actually issuing the LINK?  FTPSERVE?
Any suggestions?

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