I'm afraid we're gonna have to cite you for a flagrant violation of DeMorgan's Law, Howard. ;-)

In fairness, your problem is not caused by unfamiliarity with formal logic, but mere lack of clarity. If I might suggest an alternative so far overlooked:

  If \(Left(answer,1) = 'Y' | answer = 'YES') Then Do
    Say answer
    Say "The wrong response has been entered"

This is logically equivalent and has the advantage of placing the comparisons in positive terms. Also, "Left(foo,1)" is equivalent to "Substr(foo,1,1)" and somewhat clearer as well.

However, you are still stuck with the counter-intuitive "IF NOT" condition.

So what's wrong with phrasing your question in the positive and taking the other leg of the If-Then-Else?

  If Left(answer,1) = 'Y' | answer = 'YES'
    Then Nop
    Else Do
      Say answer
      Say "The wrong response has been entered"

Does that not make the intent of the code much clearer?


On 7/7/08 16:23 Howard Rifkind said:
This is confusing me.
The response to the variable 'answer' is a Y. Yet this portion of the code isn't working. Shouldn't the logic just fall thru because the response was a Y. IF SUBSTR(ANSWER,1,1) /= 'Y' | ANSWER /= 'YES' THEN DO SAY ANSWER SAY 'THE WRONG RESPONSE HAS BEEN ENTERED' SAY SAY 'PROCEDURE IS TERMINATING, PLEASE TRY AGAIN' EXIT END Thanks

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