For those on z/VM 5.3.0, please check out the CP QUERY Virtual FLASHCopy
command;  under FLC
in the online help for HELP CPQUERY VIRTUAL.

    especially the "ACTIVE         Number of active FLASHCOPY
relationships" output.   It shows the number of
    copies (including background copies) currently active for the real
track extents (start to end) covered by a
    VM minidisk on the real volume.

Steve Wilkins
z/VM I/O Strategy

             Kris Buelens                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
   >                                                    To
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU         
             z/VM Operating                                             cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: FLASHCOPY performance to a  
                                       DS6800 DASD                     
             07/16/2008 01:37                                          
             Please respond to                                         
               The IBM z/VM                                            
             Operating System                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

Check out ICKDSF's PPRCOPY command.  I surely has information about pending
remote copies.
  (you need to link to a fullpack first; you can query the primary and
secondary device)
So, it may also return information about Flashcopy status.

2008/7/16 Tom Duerbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
  Hi Ed

  Yep, it is amazing, especially for those of us that never had access to a
  high performance dasd subsystem before.

  Without the sync parm, the command comes back immediately.  With the sync
  parm, the command comes back when the DS6800 has gathered all the
  information/control blocks necessary, and starts the flashcopy.

  I've never been able to determine when a flashcopy is completed, other
  than looking at the lights on the box.  That has been a problem as if you
  need to rerun the flashcopy command again (like something bombed out in
  the rexx exec and it is easier just to reexecute the exec), it tells you
  that the "to" volume is in use.  So if you have a mixture of large and
  small volumes, the small volumes get a repeat of being flashed and the
  large volumes end up with the original flash.

  There is suppose to be a way from the DS6800 console to determine what
  flashes are running, but I never got that far.  Also, if you want to
  flash a series of volumes at the same instant, it can be done via the
  DS6800 console.

  I flash minidisks, so I can only use the VM Flashcopy command.

  BTW, have you noticed that when you run batch jobs, you are always near
  100% cpu utilization?  My boss keeps asking me who is in a loop.  We are
  running just fine <G>.

  Tom Duerbusch
  THD Consulting

  Law of Cat Acceleration

   A cat will accelerate at a constant rate, until he gets good and
   ready to stop.

  >>> "Edward M. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/16/2008 8:59 AM >>>

  Hello Everyone,

      I need some confirmation.  I am just amazed at the performance of
  the DS6800

      I just did the z/VM command FLASHCOPY on a 3390-mod 9 on DS6800 to
  another 3390-mod 9 volume on the DS6800.


      The command responded instantaneously.


     tells CP to process the command immediately and does not allow you

     enter any other commands until the hardware has accepted all

     all messages from the Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) subsystem have

     processed, and the FLASHCOPY command completes.

  Is the DS6800 and the FLASHCOPY really that fast or is there something
  going on behind the


  Performance has been pretty unbelievable but the FLASHCOPY was just too

  Example Our Batch cycle at night use to take 5-5.5 hours.  Started at
  midnight and

  Completeed around 5:30 am.

     Old system EMC SYMETRIC 8 gig of cache and 6 ESCON connections.

  SWITCH to DS6800.

     DS6800 2 gig of cache with 4 FICON connections.

  Batch cycle dropped by 1 hour without any other changes. Start at
  midnight and completes

     around 4-4:30 am.

  Ed Martin


  ext 40441

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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