O.K. thanks got it...
extent control file changed, sent back with the DIRM FILE command and did a 
RLDEXTN with out errors.
Thanks again...

>>> Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/29/2008 11:31 AM >>>
I'm not 100% sure...
I'd say you ask DIRMAINT to define your VMTESTE1 disk as 3390 model 2
(were you tell us that you only have models 3 and 9), and at the same
time, you only tell DIRMAINT what's the size of a 3390 model 3.  Not a
surprize Dirmaint isn't happy.

2008/7/29 Howard Rifkind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This is a new install of Dirmaint and I constructed the Extent Control file.
> However when I issue the command below it fails on a 3390-2, we have all
> 3390-3's and 9's.
> Can any one help out with finding the correct block sizes to go into this
> table for my device types and how do I select a mod 3 from a mod 2...I
> couldn't find this out.  I want to also put in my 3390 - 9's.
> Thanks.
> DVHXMT1191I Your RLDEXTN request has been sent for processing.
> Ready; T=0.03/0.03 10:56:48
>  DVHREQ2288I Your RLDEXTN request for MAINT at * has been accepted.
>  DVHILZ3510I Starting DVHINITL with directory: USER DIRECT E
>  DVHIZD3508E Unable to determine maximum block for device 3390-2 while
>  DVHIZD3508E processing record: VMTESTE1 530W02 0001 1000 3390-2
>  DVHILZ3209E Unexpected RC= 3508, from Pipe: MasterPipe
>  DVHRLE3212E Unexpected RC= 3209, from: EXEC DVHINITLZ RLDEXTN USER
>  DVHREQ2289E Your RLDEXTN request for MAINT at * has failed; with RC =
>  DVHREQ2289E 3212.
> Snip of Extent Control file...
> *
>   * IBM supplied defaults are contained in the DEFAULTS DATADVH file.
>   * The following are customer overrides and supplements.
>   *
>   *DASDType Max-Size
> 3390-3 2048
> :END.
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Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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