check the following:
IOCDS definitions for the second LPAR. Was a new IOCDS created?
AUTOLOG1 Profile exec and all profile execs involved in bringing up the z/VM 
system in PROD LPAR
Something must have been changed. I'm betting on the IOCDS.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) 
Sent: Sun 8/3/2008 6:48 PM
Subject: DASD Detached from SYSTEM after IPL on one LPAR but not the other



I IPL'ed both of my z/VM 5.3 LPARS on Sunday. After the VAL/DEV LPAR was 
brought up I started to logon and IPL the Linux guests. I had no problems on 
this LPAR. 


Now, after I IPL'ed the PROD LPAR I started to bring up the PROD Linux guests. 
This time when I logged on the guests the guest could not access any of the 
MDISKS assigned to it. I looked and found that all of the MDISKS were no longer 
attached to SYSTEM. I know these were attached on Friday because I brought all 
of the Linux guests up without a problem. It seems that they were detached 
during the IPL. On the VAL/DEV LPAR the MDISKS for the Linux guests stayed 
attached to SYSTEM after the IPL.


Does anyone know why the MDISKS were detached from the SYSTEM on my PROD LPAR 
after the IPL?


Thanks, Terry                            

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