On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 06:11:10 -0400, Mary Anne Matyaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
om> wrote:

>Do people really have Linux systems that run 7 x 24?
>YES. But I get an outage once a quarter. Usually.

I threw that in off-the-cuff, but the responses were very revealing.

I should have realized that people on this list, running Linux on z/VM, a
re the ones most likely to 
be running Linux 24x7.

Perhaps I should have asked either:

1. Are you running Linux on Intel 24x7?
2. Do individual Linux instances run 24x7?

I was thinking of a few things:

1. The midrange applications I am most familiar with here (employee facin
g) often go down for 2 
or more days for upgrades.  Clearly no interest in 24x7.

2. It appears we mostly deploy servers here in pairs (or more) splitting 
the workload. If one goes 
down in prime time (unplanned) the application still runs but is degraded
. In low utilization 
periods you can have planned outages with no impact. (A problem arises wh
en all the servers have 
to be changed at once!) 

Obviously there is more to application design than just pairing servers, 
I just haven't got that far in 
understanding the midrange farm.

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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