CP MSG always delivers the message in upper case.
An exception is using a pipe in an EXEC
PIPE CP MSG user 'Hello World!'

Tell is a CMS EXEC that uses CP MSG under the covers.  It always
delivers the message in the case in which it was invoked.

So you can use CP MSG in machines that aren't running CMS like RSCS,
GCS, VSE and I suppose z/OS.

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 45 years
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:11:36 -0700 Lionel B. Dyck said:
>Is there any difference between TELL and MSG ?
>Is one preferred over the other?

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