On Wednesday, 08/27/2008 at 12:09 EDT, "Gary M. Dennis" 
> I have included below item 6 from the thread origin and a snippet from 
> Baker's response.
> Maybe I should have placed more emphasis on item 6. The server machine 
> going to be updating the buffer areas in all the connected client 
> Therefore, he server machine needs to know immediately when one of the
> guests is quiescent or logged off. IUCV will inform the server when a
> connection is severed. The guest machines can set in indicator in an 
> monitored by the server to indicate that they have begun a normal 
> *but* the "fall-off_the page" case is when a machine is logged off and 
> server attempts to access the buffers in a machine that no longer 
> John made a good argument for temporary IUCV connections. In that case 
> best way to make a determination on the active state a diagnose that 
> a query command for the user in question?

I don't understand why you want to use temporary connections. 
1. Guest logs on and CMSIUCV CONNECTs to the server
2. The server is aware of the guest's existence.
3. Messages pass back and forth.
4. If the server goes down, the guest will be informed and can 
periodically try to re-establish communications with the server.
5. If the guest is terminating, it can CMSIUCV SEVER with USERDTA= filled 
in to indicate a "normal" termination.
6. If the guest just logs off, the sever will be done by CP with no data 
in the IPUSER field.
7. If you're in the middle of an IUCV SEND or RECEIVE when an IUCV 
connection is terminated, the issuer will get an error response.
8. If the server goes to sleep, there is a limit on the number of messages 
that can be queued by each guest.  It is called the Message Limit (MSGLIM) 
and can be set in the directory and/or the applications themselves.
9. If one of the communications partners doesn't want to receive messages, 
it can issue IUCV QUIESCE and then RESUME when ready.

You mention an "area" that is monitored by the server.  That sounds like 
shared memory.  When we wrote GCS back in 1983 (wow - was it really that 
long ago?!?), we used a combination of IUCV (*SIGNAL system service) and 
shared memory.  Your server will need to clean up any trash left by one of 
the guests if it logs off at "just the wrong time".

IUCV can handle hundreds of connections with no problem.  APPC/VM (APPCVM 
macro) is a variant of IUCV and is used by DB2 and SFS.  These 
applications handle thousands of connections.

You do not want to issue DIAGNOSE instructions unnecessarily as they 
serialize the entire virtual machine.  That is, the virutal CPUs stop for 
the duration of the command or diagnose.  IUCV instructions, however, are 
handled at the virtual CPU level.  If you have a multithreaded application 
with multiple virtual CPUs, each CPU can handle IUCV instructions 
separately.  An individual CPU runs the IUCV "instruction", and the other 
CPUs continue to do whatever they want.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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