Cross-posted to ibm-main, ibmvm, and linux-390.

I've uploaded a whole boatload of Linux and z/VM-related presentations from 
SHARE 111 in San Jose to the website.  (About 53 so far)  Lots of good stuff there.  Thanks to all 
the presenters for giving me permission to host them, or to point to them from 
the site.  I've tested downloading each of them, and the md5 checksums matched. 
 So, hopefully no one will have any issues accessing them.

SHARE 111, San Jose, California, August 11-15, 2008
Session Presenter               Title
2590    Eberhard Pasch  Linux for System z Performance Update
2591    Eberhard Pasch  Linux on System z performance hints and tips
9050    Reed Mullen     z/VM Platform Update - Advancing the Art of 
Virtualization with z/VM Version 5 Release 4
9102    Bill Bitner     The Very Basics of z/VM - Concepts and Terminology
9106    Bill Bitner     VM Performance Update
9110    Romney White    z/VM Live Guest Migration
9111    Romney White    Using New CP Features in z/VM 5.4
9119    Mike Walter     z/VM Installation - From Cardboard Box to IPL
9120    Mike Walter     z/VM Installation - It's Installed, NOW What? (Or: What 
we learned "on the job")
9122    Bill Bitner     z/VM Tuning Revisited with Specialty Engines for z/OS
9123    Jim Vincent     TRACK for z/VM - What's Happening in Your Virtual 
9127    Mark Post       z/VM for MVS Systems Programmers
        Martha McConaghy
9137    Rick Barlow     Using VM for Linux Disaster Recovery Planning
9150    Jay Brenneman   z/VM Cross System Extensions for High Availability and 
System Management - now with shared SysRes
9153    Rick Barlow     z/VM Goody Bag
9154    Jim Vincent     Mythbusters: Taking on Virtualization - z/VM and Linux 
on System z
9156    Rich Smrcina    Configuring LDAP on z/VM and Linux
9157    Dan Martin      Virtualization and Disaster Recovery: Implementing and 
Automating Disaster/Data Recovery for z/VM
9200    Jim Elliott     An Introduction to Linux and Open Source
9202    Jim Elliott     Linux on System z - A Strategic View
9210    Lee Stewart     z/VM and Linux Disaster Recovery - A Customer Experience
9212    Jim Vincent     Linux for System z at Nationwide - From Woe to Whoa! 
How did We Get Here, Toto?
9213    Rick Barlow     Anatomy of a z Penguin - A Customer Experience Helping 
A Colony Thrive Under Extreme Conditions
9216    Rick Troth      Extreme Filesystem Sharing Linux on Read-Only Root at 
9220    Tom Stewart     Nothing Runs Like z/VM and Linux at John Deere
9224/5  Mark Post       Linux System Management for the Mainframe System 
9230    Ihno Krumreich  Saving Real Storage with Execute in Place on Linux for 
System z
9233    Mark Post       Linux Installation Planning
9239    Jay Brenneman   Linux for System z Goody Bag
9240    Jay Brenneman   Linux on z/VM System Programmer Survival Guide
9241    Alan Altmark    Securing Linux with RACF on z/VM
9248    Phil Smith      Help! My (Virtual) Penguin is Sick!
9249    Erich Amrehn    Putting Linux on System z into Production: True Stories
9259    Christof Schmitt        SCSI over FCP for Linux on System z - 
Introduction and New Features
9261    Romney White    (Dis)Honest TCO Analysis for Linux on System z
        Erich Amrehn
9265    Marlin Maddy    TCO: Comparing System z and Distributed Environments; 
Building the Business Case
9267    Klaus Wacker    Networking with Linux on System z
9274    Ed MacKenty     The Linux IPL Procedure
9276    Scott Loveland  High Availability for Linux on IBM System z Servers
9279    Klaus Wacker    Problem Determination with Linux on System z
9281    Neale Ferguson  OpenSolaris for IBM System z August 2008 Tech Update
9284    Phil Smith      How To Turn a Penguin Into a Dog (or, Things To Do That 
Will Avoid Linux on z Success)
9286    Rick Troth      Tending the SANity of the Flock SAN Experiences at 
9287    Mike Walter     Installing a Novell SLES 10 Starter System without a 
9288    Dieter Bonas    Ducks Unlimited - Migration to Linux User Experience
        Darren Zamrykut
9289    Christof Schmitt        Additional Feet for the Penguin - SCSI over FCP 
Multipathing for Linux on System z
9290    Brad Hinson     Managing your Red Hat Enterprise Linux guests with RHN 
9292    Eberhard Pasch  Performance Experience with Databases on Linux for IBM 
System z
9293    Shawn Wells     SELinux: A Key Component in Secure Infrastructures
9294    Ed MacKenty     Automating Resource Management for Linux on z/VM: 
Lessons Learned
9295    Barry Perkins   Virtualizing Oracle Servers with Linux on IBM System z
        Kathryn Arrell
9296    Mike MacIsaac   Systems Management of Linux under z/VM and LPAR

Mark Post

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