At 11:42 AM 9/8/2008 -0400, Edward M. Martin wrote:
What are the tape alternatives? Please correct me on what I am starting to look at.

IBM 3590           costs and cartridge replacements  (retired system?)
VSSI VTAPE         disk costs and lack of easy D/R.
IBM VTL system     Virtualized Tape systems
EMC DISK LIBRARY   Replacement for Carts  D/R questions.

Used 3590s are probably easy to find and not too expensive. At my last VM shop, five years ago, we were able to buy two drives used despite having almost no capital budget, so they must have been low-priced by then on the used market. (There's more than one generation of 3590; I think; these surely were the earliest models we had, B11s.)

If you have legal requirements about encrypting tapes you send off-site for DR, you may want to look at 3592s with built in encryption. They might not fit within your nominal budget, but the built-in encryption might make a business case for them. (I speak from theoretical knowledge, not practical experience. Sorry.)

Hope this helps,

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