On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Mark T. Regan, K8MTR

> Our VM systems are already connected to JES3 using NJE via SNA. The problem
> is that when the jobs are submitted via NJE they are considered remote jobs.
> When they are submitted via the Bisync RJP connection, they are considered a
> locally submitted job. We want the JES3 system to keep thinking the jobs are
> submitted locally, even when coming over NJE. To do that, we've been told
> that a JES3 NJE command exit (IATUX35) has to be written.

At the risk of showing my very thin z/OS skills, I believe we achieved
this by submitting a job that would punch to the JES internal reader.
That job would then appear to be a local one. It does require a change
to the JCL, but if you set a REROUTE in RSCS, you can have a service
machine on VM pick up the spool file, wrap it in an IEBGENER job and
submit it for real.


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