On Saturday, 09/27/2008 at 12:26 EDT, Leland Lucius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Just wondering what folks set INACTIVE() to a "Linux only" environment
> where guests stay up for long periods or where MAINT and the like aren't
> used for long periods.
> When we installed RACFVM, our security team set the same options as are
> being used on z/OS which we all thought was a good idea.  But, we've
> been getting a lot of guests with revoked IDs.
> So, we have the notion of simply change our INACTIVE(45) to NOINACTIVE
> (if we can get security to bite), but were wondering if there were other
> options.

A possible compromise could be:


will completely remove the password and phrase.
- No one can logon directly to or use the id for authentication
- The user can still be XAUTOLOGed
- The user will never be revoked due to inactivity or too many logon 
attempts with a bad password

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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