Wow, this takes me back a few years!  :-)>  We haven't run CMSBATCH for a
long time, (we use VM:Batch).  When we did run CMSBATCH, we used BATEXIT2
to handle our special 10 character accounting numbers.  We kept the first
character of the directory account field, then converted the first seven 

characters of the user's account number to binary, (the first seven 
characters were always numeric), and stored them in bytes 2-5 and then 

moved the last three bytes of the user's account number into bytes 6-8, 

(the last three characters were sometimes numeric, sometimes alphabetic).
We never used/needed BATEXIT1.  Here is my code for BATEXIT2, (minus 
sequence numbers), written/revised in February of 1987!

BATEXIT2 TITLE 'Documentation'               

*                          BATEXIT2 ASSEMBLE                          * 

*                                                                     * 

* Module Name -                                                       * 

*                                                                     * 

*        BATEXIT2                                                     * 

*                                                                     * 

* Function -                                                          * 

*                                                                     * 

*        CMS Batch User Exit to allow installations to use the /JOB   * 

*        Card for additional installation specific information and    * 

*        to allow the /JOB Card to be altered.                        * 

*                                                                     * 

* Attributes -                                                        * 

*                                                                     * 

*        Disk Resident in Relocatable Text Format;                    * 

*        Executes in the CMS User Area;                               * 

*        Serially Reusable.                                           * 

*                                                                     * 

* Entry Points -                                                      * 

*                                                                     * 

*        BATEXIT2 - Primary and only entry point.                     * 

*                                                                     * 

* Entry Conditions -                                                  * 

*                                                                     * 

*        Invoked from the CMS Batch Facility (CMSBATCH), via Load.    * 

*                                                                     * 

* On Entry -                                                          * 

*                                                                     * 

*        R1  = CMS Parameter List Address.                            *
*        R13 = Address of Register Save Area provided by the Caller.  *
*        R14 = Return Address.                                        *
*        R15 = Entry Point Address.                                   *
*                                                                     * 

* Exit Conditions -                                                   * 

*                                                                     * 

*        R0-R14  Unchanged.                                           * 

*        R15  =  Return Code, Non-Zero if Batch Job is to be Flushed. *
*                                                                     * 

* Calls to other Routines -                                           * 

*                                                                     * 

*        MACROs Called by this Routine are:                           * 

*             (in Alpabetical Order)                                  * 

*                                                                     * 

*             REGEQU   - CMS Symbolic Register Equates.               * 

*                                                                     * 

*        Programs Called by this Routine are:                         * 

*             (in Alpabetical Order)                                  * 

*                                                                     * 

*             None.                                                   * 

*                                                                     * 

*        CMS Functions Called by this Routine are:                    * 

*             (in Alpabetical Order)                                  * 

*                                                                     * 

*             None.                                                   * 

*                                                                     * 

* External References -                                               * 

*                                                                     * 

*        None.                                                        * 

*                                                                     * 

* Tables/Workareas -                                                  * 

*                                                                     * 

*        DWORD    - Double Word Work Area.                            * 

*        HOLD     - Used to hold and test the Accounting Type.        * 

*        JOBPARMS - DSECT used to reference the /JOB Card fields      * 

*                   that were passed in Register 1.                   * 

*                                                                     * 

* Register Usage -                                                    * 

*                                                                     * 

*        The Register Usage conforms to the following:                * 

*                                                                     * 

*        R0  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R1  - JOBPARMS DSECT Base Register (CMS Parameters)          * 

*        R2  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R3  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R4  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R5  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R6  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R7  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R8  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R9  - Work Register                                          * 

*        R10 - Work Register                                          * 

*        R11 - Work Register                                          * 

*        R12 - Program Base Register                                  * 

*        R13 - Address of Register Save Area in this Program          * 

*        R14 - Return Address to Caller                               * 

*        R15 - Return Code                                            * 

*                                                                     * 

* Error Messages, ABEND Codes, and Return Codes -                     * 

*                                                                     * 

*        RC=0  - Normal Return Code, no errors detected.              *
*        RC=4  - Error in /JOB Card, Flush this Job from the Reader.  *
*                                                                     * 

* Operation -                                                         * 

*                                                                     * 

*        The BATEXIT2 Program is invoked by the CMS Batch Facility    * 

*        during Batch Job initialization.  BATEXIT2 receives control  * 

*        before the CMS routine used to process the /JOB Card, but    * 

*        after CMS has scanned the /JOB Card and built the parameter  * 

*        list.  On entry to BATEXIT2, Register 1 points to the CMS    * 

*        parameter list buffer.  This buffer is a series of 8-byte    * 

*        entries, one for each item on the /JOB Card.                 * 

*                                                                     * 

*        After verifying that all of the expected fields are on the   * 

*        /JOB Card, (valid fields are described in JOBPARMS DSECT),   * 

*        BATEXIT2 will pack the numeric part of the account number,   * 

*        convert it to binary and store it in ACCNT1.  The alphabetic * 

*        part of the account number will then be moved into ACCNT1    * 

*        after the binary part.  The remaining fields of the /JOB     * 

*        Card, (JOBNAME, JOBID, and FENCE), will be shifted to the    * 

*        left one field postion (8 bytes) to conform to Batch /JOB    * 

*        Card standards (as documented in the "CMS User's Guide").    * 

*        The first byte of the ACCNT1 field, (accounting type), will  * 

*        be changed back to the correct letter from the hex code that * 

*        was set in the ACNTGET Program.                              * 

*                                                                     * 

*        If an error is detected, BATEXIT2 will exit with a return    * 

*        code of 4, which will cause CMS Batch to flush the job.  A   * 

*        return code of 0 will let the Batch job start execution.     * 

*                                                                     * 

* Updates -                                                           * 

*                                                                     * 

*        02/27/87  (DRS)                                              * 

*             Revised version put into production.                    * 


         TITLE 'Entry Linkage'               
BATEXIT2 CSECT ,                       In the Beginning...     
         USING BATEXIT2,R15            Get Temporary Addressability  
         B     PASTID                  Branch Around ID and Save Area  
         SPACE 1                   
         DC    CL9'BATEXIT2'           Module Name        
         DC    CL9'&SYSDATE'           Date Assembled      
         DC    CL6'&SYSTIME'           Time Assembled      
         SPACE 1                   
SAVEAREA DC    18A(0)                  Our Register Save Area    
         SPACE 1                   
PASTID   DS    0H                   
         DROP  R15                     Drop Temporary Addressability  
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)         Save the Registers      
         LR    R12,R15                 Load Our Base Register and   
         USING BATEXIT2,R12            Get Permanent Addressability  
         ST    R13,SAVEAREA+4          Point Our S/A to Caller's  (HSA) 

         LR    R15,R13                 Save Address of Caller's S/A  
         LA    R13,SAVEAREA            Point to Our Save/Area    
         ST    R13,8(R15)              Point Caller's S/A to Ours (LSA) 

         TITLE 'Validate and Reformat the CMS Batch /JOB Card'    
BATJOBC  DS    0H                   
         USING JOBPARMS,R1             Map Job Parms in R1 to DSECT  
         CLI   USERID,X'FF'            CMS Userid Present ?     
         BE    FLUSH                   No, Bad Job Card - Flush the Job 

         CLI   ACCNT1,X'FF'            First  Part of Account Present ? 

         BE    FLUSH                   No, Bad Job Card - Flush the Job 

         CLI   ACCNT2,X'FF'            Second Part of Account Present ? 

         BE    FLUSH                   No, Bad Job Card - Flush the Job 

         CLI   JOBNAME,X'FF'           CMS Jobname Present ?     
         BE    FLUSH                   No, Bad Job Card - Flush the Job 

         CLI   JOBID,X'FF'             Batch JobID Present     
         BE    FLUSH                   No, Bad Job Card - Flush the Job 

         PACK  DWORD,ACCNT1+1(7)       Pack Numeric Portion of Account 
         CVB   R4,DWORD                Convert it to Binary     
         STCM  R4,B'1111',ACCNT1+1     Fill in Account Number    
         MVC   ACCNT1+5(3),ACCNT2      Move Alpha Portion of Account  
         MVC   ACCNT2(24),JOBNAME      Shift Jobname, JobID and Fence  
         TM    ACCNT1,X'C0'            Bit 0 or 1 On ?       
         BNZ   FLUSH                   Yes, Flush this Job     
         MVC   HOLD,ACCNT1             Save the Accounting Type    
         NI    ACCNT1,X'0F'            Clear the Zone Portion    
         TM    HOLD,B'00110000'        Was it a "F" Zone ?     
         BO    SETF                    Yes, Set Code for "F" Zone   
         TM    HOLD,B'00100000'        Was it a "E" Zone ?     
         BO    SETE                    Yes, Set Code for "E" Zone   
         TM    HOLD,B'00010000'        Was it a "D" Zone ?     
         BO    SETD                    Yes, Set Code for "D" Zone   
         OI    ACCNT1,X'C0'            Put "C" Zone Back      
         B     GOOD                    Exit with a Good Return Code  
         SPACE 1                   
SETF     DS    0H                   
         OI    ACCNT1,X'F0'            Put "F" Zone Back      
         B     GOOD                    Exit with a Good Return Code  
         SPACE 1                   
SETE     DS    0H                   
         OI    ACCNT1,X'E0'            Put "E" Zone Back      
         B     GOOD                    Exit with a Good Return Code  
         SPACE 1                   
SETD     DS    0H                   
         OI    ACCNT1,X'D0'            Put "D" Zone Back      
         B     GOOD                    Exit with a Good Return Code  
         SPACE 1                   
GOOD     DS    0H                   
         XR    R15,R15                 Set Return Code to Zero    
         B     EXIT                    Go to Exit        
         SPACE 1                   
FLUSH    DS    0H                   
         LA    R15,4                   Set a Flush Return Code    
         B     EXIT                    Go to Exit        
         TITLE 'Exit Linkage'               
EXIT     DS    0H                   
         L     R13,4(R13)              Point to Caller's S/A (HSA)   
         L     R14,12(R13)             Restore Register 14     
         LM    R0,R12,20(R13)          Restore the Registers     
         BR    R14                     Return to Caller      
         TITLE 'Working Storage and Data Constants'        
         SPACE 1                   
DWORD    DS    D                       Double Word Work Area     
         SPACE 1                   
HOLD     DC    C' '                    Area to Hold Accounting Type  
         SPACE 1                   
         LTORG ,                       Create Literal Pool     
         REGEQU ,                      CMS Register Equate Macro   
         SPACE 1                   

*        JOBPARMS DSECT - CMS Parameter List                          * 


JOBPARMS DSECT ,                       CMS Batch Job Card Parms    
JOB      DS    CL8                     Job Card Identifier     
USERID   DS    CL8                     CMS Userid        
ACCNT1   DS    CL8                     First  Part of Accounting Info  
ACCNT2   DS    CL8                     Second Part of Accounting Info  
JOBNAME  DS    CL8                     CMS Jobname        
JOBID    DS    CL8                     CMS Batch JobID       
FENCE    DS    CL8                     CMS Fence         
         SPACE 1                   
         END   BATEXIT2                That's All Folks...     

Dale R. Smith

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008 15:31:38 -0500, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>I have had to do some work recently that takes a very long time to run b
>still needed to use my own virtual machine for other tasks. Ideal for a
>batch facility. Well, we don't have a BATCH product and I haven't done 

>work on the LARS/Purdue Batch Monitor and I did not want to define a 
>virtual machine for this. So, I fired up the default CMSBATCH server. We

>never removed it, just nologged it. It was easy to fire up and get my
>process running because my process is simplistic but time consuming. 
>But in looking at the documentation for CMSBATCH, I saw some information

>about the two defined exits BATEXIT1 and BATEXIT2, but I cannot find any

>samples supplied by IBM nor any postings on the old VMSHARE or on this 

>I would be interested in seeing any versions of BATEXIT1/BATEXIT2 that
>anyone has ever used for IBM's vanilla CMSBATCH facility.
>/Tom Kern

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